The new Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) rules on how landlords like Spitalfields Housing Association (SHA) handle tenant complaints came into effect on 1st April 2024.
These new rules have led to changes in SHA’s complaints policies with some changes and stricter guidelines on handling and in responding to residents’ complaints. Notably, the process has been streamlined to two stages, with extensions allowed for both stages. This change aims to ensure the complaint has more time to be resolved within each complaint stage.
SHA is proactively improving its complaints policy alongside internal procedures. We encourage our residents to engage with us and suggest ways to improve the services we provide. While we strive to meet our service standards, we acknowledge that there are times we may fall short, and tenants have a right to take up the options available to them.
Policies are important for SHA to ensure we adhere to local and national housing laws, including fair housing laws, tenant rights, and safety regulations.
SHA staff have recently undertaken a training and workshop relating to the latest HOS changes to the complaints process. If you have any questions on the latest HOS complaints process or require language translation, speak with a Housing Officer who is at hand to help guide you through the process.
You can read the full update of the SHA Complaints, Compliments, and Feedback policy on the Our Policies page of this website.