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Rechargeable repairs

Whilst many repairs are carried and covered by SHA, some repairs fall under the tenant's legal responsibility.
Sometimes you will need to report repairs when things stop working or go wrong. At SHA we aim to undertake repairs as quickly as possible, with priority given to emergency repairs and to vulnerable residents.

Most repairs are the responsibility of SHA, but not all. This page explains rechargeable repairs. These are repairs that you have to pay for. If SHA undertakes repairs that fall beyond our duty, we will have to charge you back for the repair to cover our cost. This is called a rechargeable repair. We will let you know when we are undertaking additional repairs that you will have to pay for before undertaking the repair.

Most repairs to your home will be carried out by SHA. When you report a repair, SHA will need to identify whether the repair is the association’s responsibility or the tenant’s responsibility.

All repairs that SHA will carry out without charge are listed in the tenant’s handbook.

Repairs SHA carry out include:

  • The structure and exterior of your home e.g. the roof, the external doors, the drains and gutters
  • Common parts e.g. lighting and lifts
  • Installations e.g. plumbing, electrical supply and heating systems (if we installed them)
  • Fixtures e.g. kitchen cupboards and work tops and fitted wardrobes

For more details on rechargeable repairs please read our policy on Recharges.

SHA repairs team or contractors may carry out an inspection to establish the cause of any damages. Any damages found to have been caused by you or someone in your home will be rechargeable. We expect our residents to carry out some minor repairs to their home, and supply their own fittings such as curtain rails and towel rails. The full list of responsibilities can be found in the tenant’s handbook.

Repairs you have to pay for

Listed below are a few circumstances of a rechargeable repair:

Criminal damage

You must report any crime, criminal damage to your home or if you have become a victim of crime to the Police as soon as possible. The Police will issue you with a case reference number that SHA will require in order to determine who is responsible for a repair. Any claims for damage or loss caused by theft or forced entry (or exit) can be claimed through your own home insurance- check this with you insurance company.

Security of your home

SHA cover the cost of repairing communal areas and home doors, doorbells and communal alarms. Additional doorbells and alarms that residents have installed themselves are their own responsibility. Broken windows, fixing padlocks and cutting new door keys are resident’s own responsibility (unless the crime was reported to the Police and a crime reference number has been obtained)

On occasion SHA assess damage caused by emergency services or police search activity (for example, forced entry resulting in a broken lock) and have to determine who should pay for this type of repair.

DIY home improvements

You will need to first ask permission from SHA before you plan to make home improvements or undertake physical changes to your home or garden. We realise that home improvements can help improve your quality of life, but SHA have to ensure that changes meet current standards. Outside of painting walls and small decoration work, any significant changes could mean that you are charged back for any work that requires us to repair and remove home improvement or changes that don’t meet SHA standards.

If you are thinking of making home improvements of changes, call or email our housing team first to find out what is allowed.

On moving out

We expect properties to be in the same or similar condition to when you moved in. On moving out, if we need to remove furniture, personal belongings or home improvements are needed you might be charged for this. The removal of any personal belongings, furniture, extensive cleaning or refuse left behind may also be charged.

On exceptional circumstances

On occasion, exceptional circumstances may arise that might affect your responsibility or ability to pay (for example if the primary tenant has passed away or domestic violence case). Please call us as soon as possible so that we can help guide you.

Can I carry out the repair myself or use an external tradesperson?

SHA does not encourage outside independent companies to carry out repairs in case our warranty standards or current legislation are not met. Our tradespeople and consultants have been chosen to meet repair industry standards.

Residents have the option to pay us to carry out the rechargeable repair or if the repair is deemed minor (easy to fix) you can undertake it yourself eg. change a bulb, change batteries or use a plumber for a sink. Please call SHA if you are unsure what is deemed ‘easy to fix’.

On exceptional occasions, an external tradesperson can be used, but SHA does not advise this. SHA will not be able to give post-repair approval to any repairs carried out by an external tradesperson.

Electric and gas repairs must meet important safety regulations and require a skilled, competent tradesperson to carry out any repairs. SHA carry out all major repairs.

Can I refuse to pay a rechargeable repair?

SHA staff will let you know when a repair is determined to be a rechargeable repair that you have to pay for. We might need to take legal action if you refuse to pay towards a repair that puts residents or your home at risk.

We try and resolve repairs as early as possible but in these exceptional circumstances we ask residents to call and write to us to give clear reasons to why they do not want to pay. We will attempt to resolve any issues before taking further action. Where we have no choice but to take a legal course of action, this might affect you credit ratings to take out future loans and housing agreements. Please read the terms and conditions of your tenancy.

If you are experiencing difficulty paying your rechargeable repairs, please call us as soon as possible and we will try and and help you.