What is Resident Scrutiny?
Resident Scrutiny involves a group of residents investigating a service provided by SHA (or their contractors) and making recommendations about how the service can be improved. The purpose of scrutiny is to improve a service by assessing what works well and where there needs to be improvement.
The process of scrutinising involves examining a service in depth and will typically include looking at performance data, residents views and testing service delivery. Crucially, Resident Scrutiny is a process decided by the panel members and is independent of the landlord. The landlord’s role is to support and enable the process for example by providing information and training to the panel members. The recommendations that the panel come up with are discussed with management and agreed by the Board. They are then turned into an action plan for the landlord to deliver. The panel will then monitor how well their recommendations are being delivered ad report to residents via the newsletter and website. Effective scrutiny will lead to improvements in services and increases in resident satisfaction.