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Anti-social behaviour

We help manage anti-social behaviour to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

The Community Trigger (also known as the ASB Case Review)

What is the Community Trigger?

Regardless of which agency is investigating your ASB case, the Community Trigger is a process which allows members of the community, or advocates on their behalf, to ask for a review of the responses to their complaints of anti-social behaviour. The Trigger should only be used if no action has been taken as a result of repeat reporting of ASB.

The use of the Community Trigger does not interfere with your right to follow your ASB provider’s internal complaints procedure; both processes can run at the same time. The Trigger cannot be used to report general acts of crime which should be reported to police.

More detailed information on the process, which is administered by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets following procedures set out in the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, the threshold for and the ways to apply for a Trigger can all be found on Tower Hamlets’ website.